Andersen Silva




the adventures of a youngish man whose principal interests are knowledge, beauty, and music
© 2004 by Andersen Silva (4-1-04)

© 2025  
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04  

Bring the lens in tight!
  Shoot it black and white...!
Scars in sharp relief,
  Am I beyond belief?

Despite the "Clockwork Orange" reference, this is going to be a much lighter column than Vitriol was, and not a rant at all. Which is not to say that I won't occasionally feel the need to vent here, but it's a very different vehicle, more of a monthly journal and collection of thoughts than a forum for righteous rage. The angry young man is grumpily moving over and making way for the fool in love. Heh-heh... Not that our relationship is perfect; it's a human relationship, so it can't be. But we love each other and make each other happy, and I wouldn't trade that for anything at all.

My honey is going away on a vacation in a few days, 'n I'm going to miss her, but she did stay put in Jersey for three whole months, so I guess I can't complain. This past month saw me cooking a few dinners for her, including a chicken franchese/française that we both enjoyed thoroughly. I also did some of her laundry with some of mine at the laundromat, and we did some grocery shopping together, all of which prompted me to quip, "I feel so domestic!"

In addition to cooking, I've been spending more time on my music, too. Both "Dances on Clouds" and "Not An Exit" were recorded and completed in March. Of course, it would've been nice if Not An Exit had recorded the song first, but... someday. I'm pretty happy with my own rendition of it; whenever Jon and I do re-work the song, I think he's going to want to use his own lyrics, instead of mine. You can listen to the two new songs, and all the older ones, right here. It was an interesting experiment to record the dark "NAE" after having written and recorded several cheerier, more upbeat songs in a row. I'm glad to say I could do it.

My old Handspring Treo 180 was finally replaced with a palmOne Treo 600, and I am very pleased with the device. I can make and receive phone calls, take photos (admittedly not of the highest quality, but not bad), play mp3s, carry all my contacts and appointments, send and receive text messages and E-mails, surf the Web wirelessly, play Pac-Man and Spy Hunter, take down notes, and more, all on one little PDA. Now, as soon as someone (are you listening, Pine Tree Software?) starts selling a Palm OS 5-compatible HTML editor, I'll be able to update the Web site from the Treo, too. Woo-hoo!

I updated Dana, my trusty if aging iBook SE, last month, too. After some networking problems cropped up two weeks after I bumped my OS X up to 10.3.3, I decided to format everything and start fresh. Panther is purring nicely now, and I've dumped most of my Microsoft software from the iBook. I've got the the 2.4.2 kernel of Linux and Mac OS 9.2.2 coexisting peacefully with OS X; it's cool to be able to boot into any of these three operating systems at startup, and since I've got Windows 2000 Professional running through Virtual PC for OS X, I can really run four different OSes on my laptop. Don't think there are too many of you out there who can say the same...

All right, I'm off to sleep, perchance to dream... Hmmm, "I dream of Gina," wasn't that a television show? No, wait...
  - A (

June 2006 - "Desperation," concerts, where's my music been?
May 2006 - Nothing too exciting for Cinco de Mayo, fresh blood at Microwize, Apple v. Apple
April 2006 - Late night at the office, a trip to DC
March 2006 - Aimee Mann, fillin' up the iPod, science fiction, a trigger-happy veep?
January 2006 - In the paper again, my own iPod, on my own
December 2005 - Where is everybody?!? "Christmas Lonely"
November 2005 - Arizona, the Palisades Center, alone again... naturally
October 2005 - 35 and still alive, an Ovation and not a Tanglewood, anyone for tennis?
September 2005 - The city of New Orleans, Rome, CBGB, let's joust!
August 2005 - Microsoft Winblows, no Transit Village for you!, songs 'n guitars
July 2005 - The Fourth, the Ozonic, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
June 2005 - Lunch with Gina, a penguin from her penguin, hongry for Nine Inch Nails, "Episode III" and "Hitchhiker's"
May 2005 - My new PowerBook, HHGttG, the end of the Astronomy Tip of the Day
April 2005 - The Children's Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Dark Tower, the Dell
March 2005 - Snow, my sushi valentine, technical difficulties (please stand by)
February 2005 - It's BSD, it's dynamite! the Dalai Lama, Zhao Ziyang, fruit with "Raymond"
January 2005 - A frightening New Year's, spaghetti and meatballs (and Christmas gifts!) with Gina and Hannah, Samichlaus
December 2004 - A fun evening with Gina and Hannah, test-taking, partaking of the library
November 2004 - A lot can change in twelve months
October 2004 - My birthday and my honey
September 2004 - Anniversary, spreadin' the word about the CD, dumb E-mails and the women who send them
August 2004 - Philadelphia freedom, the album is finished, where did my parents go?
July 2004 - Together again!; playin' guitar in the park, promoting the album
June 2004 - Mother's Day, Gina's day, preparing the CD... don't dream it's over. Please don't
May 2004 - Gina being so far away from me, chicken cordon bleu, Macintosh consulting, the album
April 2004 - No more Vitriol, lovin' and cookin' for my pretty baby, upgrading to a Treo 600, working on my music

© 2025  
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04