Andersen Silva




the adventures of a youngish man whose principal interests are knowledge, beauty, and music
© 2006 by Andersen Silva (6-1-06)

© 2025  
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04  

A prism of love surrounded us;
  Don't you see what our hearts knew?
How can you choose a one-color world
  When you know that I've got a rainbow for you?

Just finished my own twist on the cuba libre, substituting Pepsi for Coke, of course, and now I'm contemplating having some of Ben & Jerry's excellent Vermonty Python ice cream while listening to some '80s music and the rain and thunder outside. Yes, I lead an exciting life. Maybe I'll top off the night by reading some more counterfactual history...

ABC aired a new made-for-TV movie based on Stephen King's "Desperation" last week, and while it could've used a bit more oomph, I thought it was one of the better TV adaptations of his work. Of course, a three-hour theatrical release could've covered the material in more depth than the two hours of movie and one hour of commercials that the network aired. Oh, well. Now, are they going to do "The Regulators," too?

It was a fairly busy month, both at work and away. I helped my friend Barbara get some rhododendra in the back yard and repaint the living room ceiling. Dawn and I did our rollerblading thing in New York's Central Park, working up a sweat before lunching on Bavarian meatballs and diesels, witnessing the filming of a scene from "Spider-Man 3," and checking out the ultra-cool new Apple Store on Fifth Ave. Several of my co-workers and I were treated to dinner and drinks by our rep at Per-Sé, Theresa, at a nice spot in Ridgewood. Rhonda and I went to Yesika's daughter Kayla's second birthday party for a few hours, and I saw my dad on his birthday. I saw the Go-Go's in New York, too, and they rocked!    I had a great time at the show, even though the woman who was originally supposed to accompany me there... well, didn't. Nor did the woman who was going to take her ticket. Heh-heh.

I am going to see Bon Jovi in July with a couple of women, though, and since they're the ones who acquired the tickets, I feel reasonably certain that I won't be stood up this time.  ;)  My co-worker Mark is going to Blondie and the New Cars with me this month; we've actually got to go to a client's office that Saturday morning, but we should be done in plenty of time to get to the Arts Center ahead of the show. I guess this year is going to be the Year of the Concert for me. I have to see my bud Mart again, too. I've been meaning to catch one of his gigs, and things have just been hectic, but maybe next week.

I haven't felt like doing much of anything after work this week, since we've had no air conditioning. Yipe! Fans have been skillfully located throughout the office, but we've still been working under much warmer conditions than usual. Allegedly, it's going to be repaired tomorrow. I certainly hope so... Technical support is staffed better these days, which is good for me. I'm actually taking a few days to go away again next month, though I haven't settled on a destination yet. As tempting as it is to go back to Boston, especially considering that I never got there last year, I think I'm probably going to pick someplace different. Nothing's set in stone yet, though it needs to be soon.

Of course, it'd be nice to take a week off and get some serious recording done. I've really been slacking in the music department lately. Those new songs I'd intended to have written and posted last month? Well, they're mostly done. I'll finish writing stuff this weekend, and I'd like to at least record some demo material. Now that the hot weather seems to have moved in, I may have to move some of my gear into my bedroom, where the air conditioner is. There's a window fan in the studio, but it doesn't help enough if I'm spending hours in there, and it makes a bit too much noise anyway. I have been playing some of my Joy in the New songs a lot lately; I'm giving some more thought to maybe performing for real people by the end of the year, and I'm realizing that a number of the tunes will work out OK with just a guy and a guitar. "Not An Exit" and "J-ded" are a different story, though.

Pam, whom I've known for several years on the Internet, has been encouraging me for a while to join her on LiveJournal, and I've finally come around. I don't really think of myself as a 'blogger, and I'm still trying to determine how I'm going to juggle this monthly Being... column, the sporadic entries on my home page, and LJ... Frankly, I may end up posting exclusively on LiveJournal and bringing the column to a close. Probably more likely to pick up a few more readers there, since only one or two people here ever have anything to say about anything I say anyway... but we'll see.

We won't talk to Iran, we will talk to Iran... sounds like waffling to me. Mmm, waffles... OK, time to put this ice cream away and start thinkin' about bed. 'Night.
  - A (

June 2006 - "Desperation," concerts, where's my music been?
May 2006 - Nothing too exciting for Cinco de Mayo, fresh blood at Microwize, Apple v. Apple
April 2006 - Late night at the office, a trip to DC
March 2006 - Aimee Mann, fillin' up the iPod, science fiction, a trigger-happy veep?
January 2006 - In the paper again, my own iPod, on my own
December 2005 - Where is everybody?!? "Christmas Lonely"
November 2005 - Arizona, the Palisades Center, alone again... naturally
October 2005 - 35 and still alive, an Ovation and not a Tanglewood, anyone for tennis?
September 2005 - The city of New Orleans, Rome, CBGB, let's joust!
August 2005 - Microsoft Winblows, no Transit Village for you!, songs 'n guitars
July 2005 - The Fourth, the Ozonic, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
June 2005 - Lunch with Gina, a penguin from her penguin, hongry for Nine Inch Nails, "Episode III" and "Hitchhiker's"
May 2005 - My new PowerBook, HHGttG, the end of the Astronomy Tip of the Day
April 2005 - The Children's Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Dark Tower, the Dell
March 2005 - Snow, my sushi valentine, technical difficulties (please stand by)
February 2005 - It's BSD, it's dynamite! the Dalai Lama, Zhao Ziyang, fruit with "Raymond"
January 2005 - A frightening New Year's, spaghetti and meatballs (and Christmas gifts!) with Gina and Hannah, Samichlaus
December 2004 - A fun evening with Gina and Hannah, test-taking, partaking of the library
November 2004 - A lot can change in twelve months
October 2004 - My birthday and my honey
September 2004 - Anniversary, spreadin' the word about the CD, dumb E-mails and the women who send them
August 2004 - Philadelphia freedom, the album is finished, where did my parents go?
July 2004 - Together again!; playin' guitar in the park, promoting the album
June 2004 - Mother's Day, Gina's day, preparing the CD... don't dream it's over. Please don't
May 2004 - Gina being so far away from me, chicken cordon bleu, Macintosh consulting, the album
April 2004 - No more Vitriol, lovin' and cookin' for my pretty baby, upgrading to a Treo 600, working on my music

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