Andersen Silva




the adventures of a youngish man whose principal interests are knowledge, beauty, and music
© 2004 by Andersen Silva (6-30-04)

© 2025  
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04  

There's a feeling that runs through your veins,
  One that has no time, no space,
Taking you high
  So that you can't deny it;
That's when you're in love...

Love wins out after all. Two weeks of being broken up (in more ways than one) convinced both Gina and me that we'd rather be together and deal with the difficulties of our particular relationship than be apart. And I'm happy again...

I got a postcard from my pretty baby yesterday, as a matter of fact. She's in Florida right now... Before she headed down there, she and I got together and had a few pieces of sushi to tide us over 'til we can go out for a proper dinner. We also had some Karamel Sutra ice cream from Ben & Jerry's, which is, well, orgasmic. Heh-heh... Just got off the phone with her, actually, and we're hoping to do sushi on Monday night. Woo-hoo!

While Gina's been doing a lot of traveling these last several weeks, I went back to Baltimore briefly for work; the staff at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center needed some more training, and I assisted Robert in givin' it to 'em. I also made a day trip to Philadelphia, for pleasure, not business. Had a real Philly cheese steak while I was there, too. Yummm...

OK, I guess there was a little personal business involved in that trip to Philadelphia; I plastered a number of my promotional stickers around town (Baltimore wasn't spared, either). As a matter of fact, I'm almost completely out of stickers now, though I've still got a bunch of buttons and a whole lotta pens. And the CD is finally comin'!

I have had to push back the release date by a week (damn my procrastination, anyway...), but Joy in the New will finally, finally be out on July 27th. There's a newly designed batch of stickers being printed, and I'm getting a number of 17" x 11" posters made up, too. If you're interested in any of this stuff, drop me a line.

Got sunburned a bit last Sunday... The weather was so nice out, I decided to drag Nena, my Danelectro guitar, out to the park. I've not been playing much lately, so since Saturday I've been making a concerted effort to play at least a little bit each day. Not only were my fingers sore after playing for 90 minutes or so at the park, but I noticed later in the day that my limbs, particularly on my right side, were decidedly pinker than normal. Oops... Should've put on some sunscreen, but I guess I just wasn't expecting the sun to be so strong and myself to be exposed to it for so long. Oh, well.

Ah, just a few more weeks until my album is completed and in my hands. I feel more relaxed now than I have in recent weeks, but I won't be able to truly breathe a sigh of relief until I see it, and hand Gina the first one out of the box. Have you ordered yours yet?
  - A (

June 2006 - "Desperation," concerts, where's my music been?
May 2006 - Nothing too exciting for Cinco de Mayo, fresh blood at Microwize, Apple v. Apple
April 2006 - Late night at the office, a trip to DC
March 2006 - Aimee Mann, fillin' up the iPod, science fiction, a trigger-happy veep?
January 2006 - In the paper again, my own iPod, on my own
December 2005 - Where is everybody?!? "Christmas Lonely"
November 2005 - Arizona, the Palisades Center, alone again... naturally
October 2005 - 35 and still alive, an Ovation and not a Tanglewood, anyone for tennis?
September 2005 - The city of New Orleans, Rome, CBGB, let's joust!
August 2005 - Microsoft Winblows, no Transit Village for you!, songs 'n guitars
July 2005 - The Fourth, the Ozonic, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
June 2005 - Lunch with Gina, a penguin from her penguin, hongry for Nine Inch Nails, "Episode III" and "Hitchhiker's"
May 2005 - My new PowerBook, HHGttG, the end of the Astronomy Tip of the Day
April 2005 - The Children's Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Dark Tower, the Dell
March 2005 - Snow, my sushi valentine, technical difficulties (please stand by)
February 2005 - It's BSD, it's dynamite! the Dalai Lama, Zhao Ziyang, fruit with "Raymond"
January 2005 - A frightening New Year's, spaghetti and meatballs (and Christmas gifts!) with Gina and Hannah, Samichlaus
December 2004 - A fun evening with Gina and Hannah, test-taking, partaking of the library
November 2004 - A lot can change in twelve months
October 2004 - My birthday and my honey
September 2004 - Anniversary, spreadin' the word about the CD, dumb E-mails and the women who send them
August 2004 - Philadelphia freedom, the album is finished, where did my parents go?
July 2004 - Together again!; playin' guitar in the park, promoting the album
June 2004 - Mother's Day, Gina's day, preparing the CD... don't dream it's over. Please don't
May 2004 - Gina being so far away from me, chicken cordon bleu, Macintosh consulting, the album
April 2004 - No more Vitriol, lovin' and cookin' for my pretty baby, upgrading to a Treo 600, working on my music

© 2025  
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04