© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Nothin' changes,
on New Year's Day...
I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday season. I did, and I racked up some cool loot for Christmas, including a Fuji FinePix 2650 digital camera, a Nomad IIc MP3 player, "Pink Floyd: The Wall" on DVD, the new Sleater-Kinney CD ("One Beat," an excellent album), a penguin, a funky Gershwin poster, and other tidbits. I was kinda hoping that someone among the giftgivers would think to give me a ring (I don't mean on the phone) to replace the chain ring I lost, but... oh, well. Just gotta buy something myself. The snow on Christmas Day kept me from getting home that night, but the roads were better by morning. Some friends and I had an enjoyable dinner (accompanied by drinks and a live band) at Nova Terra in New Brunswick for New Year's Eve. OK, it wasn't worth what they charged us, but every place is expensive on New Year's Eve. It was nice to splurge, and to be in pleasant company. Watching several episodes of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" and of "Iron Chef" was great fun, too!
I started re-recording "Swingin' in the Park (After Dark)" on the 30th, and got much of the music done on New Year's Eve, but I haven't had a chance to finish it; soon, I promise. Jon and I put together a Not An Exit version of the song in the spring of 2000, but I later started thinking of "Swingin'" as the second installment in a four-song cycle and so decided that I wanted it on my own CD, and so I planned to record my solo version as well.
But enough about me, again. Heh-heh... Everybody ready for war? I hope so, because it sure seems that that's where Dubya and Rummy are eager to lead us. I don't think they're thinking big enough, though. Why stop with Iraq and North Korea? We might as well go whole hog and start wars in Iran, Cuba, and China as well! Oh, what the hell, throw in Belgium, too.
The Pretzident has made it painfully clear that he wants war. I think if Jesus himself gave a press conference and assured the world that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction (a dubious prospect all around, but this is hypothetical), Dubya would continue with his blustering and posturing and accusing and saber-rattling. If the United States does in fact have 'proof' of the existence of these weapons, then share it with the UN Security Council, at least the permanent members, and the Secretary-General. Give them evidence they can't argue against, as Kennedy did during the Cuban missile crisis, and the world body can do its job confident of being in the right. But most of the world is not content to go along for the ride on the Bush family crusade based on wild accusations.
Ahhh, crusades... Nothin' like Christianity to bring out the best in people. ;) Here it is, Christmastime, and allegedly moral, Christian people are howling for blood and war. If I prayed, I'd pray that their wishes didn't come true. Cornering a Hussein or a Kim seems like a good idea until one considers the possibility that these men do have WMD. Men like that, finding themselves with nothing left to lose, may well choose to unleash hell on earth, at least as much as they can muster.
Mmm, mustard... No, wait, that's not it. Well, looks like
I'm finally going to see "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" on
Saturday. Looking forward to it... Now I have to make time to watch my DVDs!
I still have "Mark Twain" from my birthday, and now the new ones... plus
Barbara's complete "Python" set. Maybe I should take a week off from work...
Hmmm, I'm already going to see Les Paul, the LinuxWorld Expo, and
the Martin Rivas Three this month. Heh-heh. See you in February...