© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me... is there anyone home?
Every night I hear Lara Croft shrieking in my nightmares. Heh-heh-heh... Poor woman, I've killed her several hundred times already. My friend Yesika gave me Tomb Raider II for Christmas at my suggestion, and I've become something of an addict now. Definitely a cool game, though! And while her proportions are unrealistic, she's not bad on the eyes... Lara, not Yesika. ;)
Well, the new millennium is off to a wonderful start. Dubya's already interfering with abortion policies and threatening the world's nuclear weapons stability by pledging to go forward with the missile defense shield. Don't the right and the military understand how the rest of the world will see this move? Besides that, the tests so far indicate, and most scientists feel, that it will not be a very effective defense at all.
Wow, I miss Bubba already. I'm not a Democrat, and in fact I voted for H. Ross Perot in '92 and '96, not for Clinton, but the record clearly shows that Bill did quite a bit of good for this country. And I liked him. He may have done some stupid things in his personal life, but can you honestly say you've never done any in yours? At least he never had a DWI or a coke habit... ;) The people who are quick to defend and forgive Dubya for those transgressions should reconsider their condemnation of Bill Clinton for his.
Speaking of political leaders and their transgressions, I feel for Jesse Jackson, too. He's a strong man, though, with the love and support of his family as well as many followers and admirers, and he'll get through this. I don't defend the adultery he and Clinton committed (no, not with each other), but I understand that they're both only human after all, and they made mistakes. In my opinion, from what I know of these two men, they're both good men, and shouldn't be dismissed as evil because of their dalliances. In the end, none of us knows what went on in their hearts and their minds (not to mention other organs) at the time...
Again with the earthquakes. El Salvador and India both got hit pretty hard. More reminders from Mother Nature that we're not as all-powerful as we like to think we are... I would've liked to have seen Pakistan reach out to India the same way that Greece reached out to Turkey after its devastating earthquake; might've been a unique opportunity to mend fences, at a time when both sides seem to be trying hard to resume negotiations. Well, at least Islamabad did send its condolences. Hey, the New York City metropolitan area had a minor earthquake in January, too. Maybe it was just a sound check. We are supposedly due for a big one...
Vlad "the Impaler" Putin is finally acknowledging (at least to himself) that Russia is not winning the war in Chechnya and probably never will. The military has been relieved of command, and security forces are taking over. They'll probably fare a little better against the Chechens, but I don't think there's any chance of their defeating them. Come on, it's been sixteen months. Do you want it to turn into ten years, like Afghanistan? You never won there, either.
The Israeli-Palestinian picture is looking very bleak. Sharon will set the whole process back a few steps if he is elected, and the only chance to prevent that is Barak nailing down a deal with Arafat before the elections. That doesn't seem likely, though, and even if it does happen, it's going to have to be palatable to a majority of Israelis if it's going to help him win. Scary to think that these two men, Barak and Sharon, can each affect the peace process so dramatically as prime minister, but it is true. The Arabs are not going to want to work with Sharon, and he's not going to be very conciliatory towards them, either.
Got to sit next to a blonde reading one of the "Dune" novels on the bus about two weeks ago. Very cool...! Women in general don't seem to be big fans of science fiction. Tempted as I was to try to strike up a conversation, I finally decided that she probably didn't want to be interrupted. Besides, my Chakobsa is a little rusty... Then, just a few days ago, I sat behind a brunette and a blonde, both attractive, who promptly started discussing politics. Imagine my dismay when I realized that the blonde was an uninformed yet ardent fan of George Dubya and the Republican Party. Heh-heh... Oh, well. I think they were much more interested in each other than in me, anyway.
I notice you people aren't voting for any of my potential album titles. ;P I know there are people visiting this site, from as far away as the Netherlands, Taiwan, South Africa, and Venezuela, as well as numerous sites within the U.S., so VOTE already! lol It's not going to cost you anything!
Well, back to work. I've recorded "Forlorn, Forsaken... Forgotten?" in January, now I'm hoping to get through "Extreme Close-Up, then Fade to Black" and maybe "Look at the Stars with Me" in February. See, if you'd help me decide on an album title, maybe you'd get a free copy of the CD when I finally release it. But, if you're not interested... - A