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NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Here comes the war...
Put out the lights on the age of reason!
All right, I claimed last time that I was going to try to refrain from discussing here what was then an ominously looming war, and I'm sticking with that. I will say that the American government is making a fool of itself by pointing fingers at Iraq and China and complaining loudly of human rights violations. Agreed, theirs are a lot worse than ours, but we ain't exactly without sin, so I can only imagine that the stone-casting is out of desperation.
Ah, the French toast and French fries I've had over the past two or three weeks have tasted that much better thanks to the stupidity of Congress. Firstly, those items didn't even originate in France. Secondly, if all our allies did exactly what we told them to do, without question or argument, they wouldn't be our allies, they'd be satellite states, like the old U.S.S.R. had in East Germany, Poland, Romania, etc. If our government wants puppets instead of friends, then it should clearly say so, but until then, France, Germany, and every other nation out there is entitled to make decisions for itself without risk of ridicule or retribution from an upset U.S. And thirdly, Americans with their short attention spans seem to have forgotten that, without the help of the French during the American Revolution, there might not have been a United States of America around to bail out France's ass during World War II. Some of our best thinkers and politicians of the eighteenth century spent years studying, learning, and living among the French, and they brought plenty back to help shape the fledgling nation. It's time for the U.S. to grow up and accept that it won't always get its way, and that friends sometimes have to point out their friends' follies.
Def Leppard this month, Metallica in July. And I've already seen Aimee Mann, Sleater-Kinney, and They Might Be Giants this year, too. Definitely going to be an interesting year music-wise. I'm slowly getting back into my own music, too, and overdosing on TMBG, Jonathan Richman, early Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers, Peter Gabriel, and Talking Heads over the past month or so has led me to start writing a song entitled "When Giant Giants Attack." I may record it in the near future and put it up on mp3.com as a freebie, but I really have to finish up all the songs I've already written for the CD before I put too much energy into writing and recording new stuff. I did find myself recording a new cover of "Rockin' in the Free World," though, just a few hours before the war started. I added my own little twists, of course; the first few seconds are lifted from the Doors' "Peace Frog," and I changed the last two lines just a wee bit.
Did I mention that I've finally purchased a left-handed guitar? It's a Nifty Aqua Danelectro 56-U2, and it's a pretty cool instrument. I'd been eyeing one for quite a while now, and finally I pounced. I'm keeping Roxanne, my right-handed Strat knockoff, too; the two guitars have distinctly different feels and playability, and there will be times when I'll want to use one guitar over the other. The Dano is so much lighter than the Epiphone! Yes, I'll get a picture or two of myself playing it, one of these days...
Anyone else watch "Children of Dune" on the Sci-Fi Channel? They did an incredible job with Frank Herbert's material, even better than they'd done with the original "Dune" two or three years ago. I hope they continue with the series, and I'm really looking forward to "Battlestar Galactica" at the end of the year!
OK, I think the nation has just gone to Code Plaid, so I'd better
whip out the duct tape or something. See you in a month, if we're both still around!