© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
'Cos everyone's your friend in New York City,
And everything looks beautiful when you're young and pretty...
That's a nasty cough y'got there, you should get that checked out...
Lots of attractive young tennis-playing women in the news these days... I'm sorry to hear that one of them, Jelena something-or-other, apparently has ultra-nationalist Serbian tendencies. Still cute, though. At least my Simonya Popova is a good freedom-loving rebel. And a blonde.
Most of the people I know who've seen "The Matrix: Reloaded" have not really enjoyed it the way I did. Maybe I'm more easily amused. I agree there were some slow scenes, and some of the story seemed incidental and expendable, but I do think there was a story there. I like the fact that Neo's no longer so certain of himself, and that he's not just an infallible, all-powerful messiah. Well, only a few months 'til the second sequel arrives... I also truly enjoyed "X2: X-Men United," and there's not nearly so much dissension on this one. Of course, with attractive mutants like Mystique, Dr. Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, and Lady Deathstrike, what's not to like? ;) And Nightcrawler was just way too cool... I'm not generally fond of Disney movies, but I think I'd like to see "Finding Nemo." It looks to be fun, and the folks at Pixar seem to have done an incredible job with the animation.
I haven't lopped my hair off yet, but most likely the locks won't survive into July. The weather should be getting warmer (any day now), and anyway it's getting to be unruly. Summertime = spikes, most of the time, for me...
I saw Mart and his Three again last month, and dug the show as usual, even if the Lion's Den was even less occupied than usual. Got a chance to chat with Marty before the show, too, which is always nice. Truly a great guy... They Might Be Giants rocked the Bowery Ballroom, too, and my old bus buddy Alex and I had a great time over dinner and the show. As if the Johns and the Dans couldn't supply enough entertainment on their own, they were joined on stage at various times by Frank Black, Gordon Gano, Syd Straw, and others...! And the opening act, Corn Mo, was... well, I think the name says it all, really. After we've listened to what TMBG and Weird Al can do with an accordion, Corn is there to remind us that it's NOT all good. Heh-heh... On the other hand, he's opening for the Giants, and I'm not.
Am I the only person who finds it odd that Aaron McGruder's "The Boondocks" Web site has disappeared? At least the strip can still be seen online, and in many newspapers nationwide).
OK, we've found no WMD in Iraq, many of the priceless relics from the cradle of civilization are missing or damaged, a fundamentalist Shiite movement seems to be growing amongst the population, 20 American troops have died since Dubya announced that the war was effectively over... and now the media are moving on, as they did after Afghanistan, and focusing on the 'road map' for Israeli-Palestinian peace. And Iran. I'm sure the Bushies are as convinced of the Iranians' quest for nuclear weapons as they were (excuse me, still are) of Hussein's stockpiled WMD. (And speaking of Hussein, how embarrassing is it that not only is he most likely still alive, but the bunker that American forces attacked in a first strike to eliminate the despot turned out not to even exist?) I love the Russians' suggestion that the United States get involved in Iran's nuclear program, thereby giving them the opportunity to keep an eye on it. The response, if one is given, ought to be interesting...
I see that Toys "R" Us isn't doing so well financially, again. A seven million dollar loss for the first quarter of this year; that place just hasn't been the same since I left. :::smirk:::
Finally finished my solo recording of "Swingin' in the Park (After
Dark)" last month, as well as a remake of my own "Human Thing." Both will be on my
CD, which I'm really, really going to try to have finished by the end of this year.
Really. I'm starting to waver on the name, though. Joey Ramone's Dead seemed
like a good idea at the time, when Joey was freshly dead; while I still like the
guy, it seems kinda old-news to use that title now. I'm still going to record the
song of the same name for this album, but I'm not so sure I want to call the album
Joey Ramone's Dead. Any opinions out there?
A (webmaster@andersensilva.com)