© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Though I know I'll never lose affection,
For people and things that went before...
Yep, it's time for a change... If this is moving up, then I'm movin' out. Heh-heh-heh...
I'm moving back in with one of my best friends, Barbara, and will be closer to another, Dawn. In the process, I'm moving further away from another best friend and my creative collaborator (almost my brother), Jon, my bus buddy, Alex, my family, and several other good friends. I'm also going to be further away from my work. Guess we're all going to have to do some adjusting...
Why move? The rent in Nutley is high and only getting higher. I'll have more space in more Barbara's house, yet it'll cost me less. I'll have more room and more time for my musical endeavors. I still have no near-future plans or desire for a car, but in the meantime, I have a few more public-transportation options in New Brunswick than I do in Nutley. Barbara and I get along very well and do a lot together already; we also have no problem doing our own things and staying out of each other's hair. Of course, the same can't be said of our felines, but... ;)
Yes, not being in north Jersey is going to require some changes. Yesika, Luigui, and I won't really be able to go to the movies anymore. I won't be seeing my parents every weekend now, but every other weekend instead. Kim's going to have to get someone else to hold her hand when she comes home drunk and has to puke. Alex and I will be forced to sit, separately, with the public transportation pod people. Barbara and I won't have to decide anymore whether she'll drive up and meet me at the apartment, or I'll take the bus to her house. I'll be damned, though, if I'll let the distance keep Jon and me from working on Not An Exit music, or from playing hours of Grand Theft Auto III. Heh-heh...
And that's the point, really. I'm only going to be fifty miles from where I was. It'll actually be easier to see Dawn and Dave, and Dave. (No, that's not a typo.) And I can still see my family and my other friends, there'll just be a little more work involved. Of course, I won't be sitting with my bus buddy every morning anymore, discussing Victoria's Secret underwear, and Peruvian bitches, and brick houses, and people paying for their bus rides with E-ZPass... :::sigh::: But she'd better keep E-mailing me! Heh-heh-heh.
Actually, Alex and I had dinner last week, which was fun. Rhonda and I stood in line for three hours and didn't get autographs from Def Leppard last night, which wasn't quite so much fun. Jon, Rhonda, Yesika, Luigui, and Barbara came to the Regal Beagle (yes, there's really a bar called the Regal Beagle in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, though I don't suggest you bother going) with me last Friday night. When I first noticed the bar a few months back, I said to myself, "Self," I said, "you have got to check this place out!" Well, we did, and it wasn't all that, but I'm still glad I can say that I've stepped foot inside the Regal Beagle. We went to Aldo's about an hour later, which was much more happenin', but Yesika and Luigui didn't want to stay, so we all split after an hour or so there. And yesterday, Yesika and Dawn took me out for lunch as a belated Systems Administrator Appreciation Day gift. Apparently, they're the only two of my co-workers who appreciate me.
So, to all my friends, I'll still be around! A bit more
than a 20-minute drive away for most of you now, but that doesn't mean
we won't still get together. And, hey, I'm always just an E-mail
or a phone call away... :)