© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Say hello, Dana! I bought my Graphite iBook SE on October 10th, and I'm lovin' it. Granted, I still haven't succeeded in getting LinuxPPC up and running, but the Mac end is doing quite well. In fact, I'm writing this (and doing most of the new work on the Web site) on my new Mac, and will be doing away with my Piece o' Crap soon enough... Heh-heh.
Went to the Village Parade on Halloween, as usual, and had a blast. I dressed up as a Jedi knight, one of my own design; I didn't want to deal with people saying, "Well, Obi-Wan's hair was really this color" or "I don't remember Qui-Gon wearing those boots..." lol I think the costume turned out well, anyway.
Wow, gets tricky writing this column when the background music goes from Schleprock (thanks, Chris) to the Cars to Run-D.M.C. ;) Hmmm, where's that Roy Harper record? Anybody know who Roy Harper is? Maybe I should make an obscure artists poll... Hey, what's up with the voting, anyway?!? The last poll was pathetic! I mean, I like Batman, but I never expected him to beat out Wolverine. And how the hell did the Tick beat out Underdog, Aquaman, and Spiderman, who were all tied with five votes each? The current poll doesn't seem to be too popular, either. What do I have to put up to get you people interested?
I've lost some respect for both Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat. I understand that both men are in extremely difficult positions, but they've got to stop being so negative and antagonistic right now. The situation is incredibly volatile, and the mood is such that a few radicals can send these two relative moderates to the brink of war. This can't be allowed to happen. I hope they both come to their senses in time. I really, really do.
Hey, I was proven wrong about Yugoslavia. And I'm glad. Looks like Milosevic had the sense to bow out relatively gracefully after all. Good luck to the people and the future government. :)
Of course, the Russians are still obstinately pursuing their self-deluding war in Chechnya. Idiots. Amnesty International should be slamming Moscow for war crimes more so than Tel Aviv. Or Jerusalem, or whatever the Israeli capital is. But no, they're getting away with it. Hey, cool, Sabbath's "War Pigs" just started up. ;)
Jesus, people really are planning for George Dubya, aren't they? I'm afraid. Very, very afraid. Have Americans already forgotten what a joke Dan Quayle was? And he was only the Vice-President. Take a good look at some of Bush's quotes, and you'll see that he's apparently at the same grade-school level as Mr. Potatoe Head. Gore may not be Mr. Charisma, but he's certainly got a brain. Ugh, just a few days 'til the election, and I'm still torn between voting for Gore or for Nader. I think the Smithereens' Pat DiNizio is getting my vote for Senator, though.
Saw both "Lost Souls" and "The Exorcist" this October. "Lost Souls" was OK (love that Winona!), but "The Exorcist" is still the classic possession movie. Although Yesika and I found many scenes humorous... lol Luckily, we were the only two in the theater. - A