© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Dig if you will the picture
of you and I engaged in a kiss...
OK, I've said everything I have to say regarding the vicious terrorist attacks in the U.S. and the attacks underway in Afghanistan now. Well, not really, but I'm not going to say anymore here. I think I've made my feelings pretty clear, and there's no point in harping on them. If anyone wants to discuss or debate, feel free to drop me a line.
I will say, however, that I really liked what Scott Ian of the band Anthrax had to say about what's going on and about the band's name; they apparently even considered changing it, though I agree that they shouldn't.
As an atheist, I don't have a problem with a 'minute of silence' in public schools, but as long as prayer is not specifically mentioned or suggested as the 'appropriate' activity for that sixty seconds. I would have no problem meditating, or maybe trying to piece together a scrap of poetry or music, or fantasizing about the teacher, during that period of time. ;) And if others choose to pray, fine. But children shouldn't be urged to believe that not praying during that time is somehow wrong or frowned upon. Won't someone please think of the children? Heh-heh...
In updating this Web site and giving all the pages the new look, I've re-read some of my old writing, including some old Vitriols. The last one I'd started writing for the Extreme over six years ago mentioned the tragedy of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, and I expressed the hope that the Middle East peace process would not be affected by this and would continue to move forward, as it had under the leadership of this great man. There are times in history when one man, or his loss, does make a profound difference.
Speaking of making a difference... WSOU-FM, Seton Hall University's college radio station, is going to lose its mainly hard rock/heavy metal format next year unless the school can be convinced otherwise. For those of us in North Jersey, 'SOU is a mainstay on the dial. While I don't like everything they play, the station rocks, and I've certainly listened to many hours of programming over the years. Here's a Web site with more information; unfortunately, the petition signup doesn't seem to be working properly. I'll have to contact them and let them know. Even if you don't live in New Jersey, even if you don't particularly like the music on WSOU, please check this out and help us try to save this unique station.
Damn the cowards staying behind closed doors on Halloween. Barbara and I are still going to the annual Village Halloween Parade in New York City on Wednesday. Let them cow you into altering your lifestyle and not doing the things you want to do out of fear, and they have won.
I haven't worked on any music in quite a while now. My weekends have been
exceedingly busy of late, which isn't really an excuse, but it has seriously cut
into my usual recording time. This coming weekend may provide me with a few hours' time,
though it may not; the weekend after that, well... I've a
feeling I will be otherwise occupied. ;) And so the CD I'd planned to have ready by the end of this
year will most likely be delayed by a few months. I'll keep you updated. Yes, you. No one
else is interested... Heh-heh.