© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
Me again. :) Is anybody actually reading these things? I'm thinkin' not. Doesn't much matter, anyway, I'm writing more for myself than I am for you, but if anyone does look at this, let me know, huh? Thanks.
I think my depression is lifting. I'm still not a happy man, but... lol At least I no longer feel like there's no reason to get through each day. I don't like feeling like that, and I know my friends don't like to see me like that, either. My indomitable will has come out on top again. Let's hope it stays there a while. ;)
Went to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade last night, as is the general tradition. A blast, as usual. I dressed as Adam Ant this year; pics are in the Gallery... of Death! It was an interesting look. A little pirate, a little Apache warrior, some leather/bondage touches... Heh-heh. I love this holiday! It's my favorite, all right... And the drag queens seem to love it, too. lol
My damn knee has started to act up again. For the past three or four years, I've been suffering from a stubborn pain in my right knee that flares up for a few weeks or months, then subsides for a while. The only possible cause I can think of is some personal combat with Mike Streahle back at Glassboro in '89. We'd started one day with hand-to-hand, then moved on to industrial sofa cushions, and while we were in close quarters in the narrow hallway, Streahle caught my knee and slammed it into the wall. The leg went numb, and I dropped like a sack of potatoes! Feeling came back in a minute or two, of course, and I'm not sure that it was my right knee, but I can't really think of any other traumatic experience involving my knees, so... Not that I blame Streahle, of course, I would just like to know why this joint keeps bothering me!
What the hell is up with the Russians?!? If you're trying to take back Chechnya from the Chechens, then just admit it. Stop this nonsense about how you're only interested in 'Muslim radicals' while denying you're going to storm Grozny. You're already there! This is exactly why China and Russia were uneasy with NATO's action in Yugoslavia. Chechnya is Russia's Kosovo, just as Taiwan is China's. Both countries want to be able to go in and bully these territories into submission without having to answer to the rest of the world. Chechnya won de facto independence from Russia a few years back, now the Russians want to regain face as well as the region.
If the Reform Party allows Pat Buchanan to run for President on its ticket, I will lose all respect for the party and for Mr. Perot. I'd already decided a while back that Ross was swingin' too far to the right for my taste nowadays, but to hear him supporting Buchanan left a bitter taste in my mouth. Jesse Ventura seems to be the level-headed voice of the party now, believe it or not, and I kinda like the thought of the Donald running for the Reform Party. As long as there are two camps, though, it's going to be difficult for them to get far or to be taken seriously.
The new Nine Inch Nails album, The Fragile, is definitely growing on me. I've been a fan since about 1991, and during my darker days I certainly played broken and The Downward Spiral to death... This one is quite different. I was a bit skeptical at first, though I immediately liked "Starfuckers, Inc." and "Into the Void." But the more I play the CD, the more I like the whole thing. It's got more texture to it than any of the previous recordings. Trent's maturing, and while many of the fans aren't going to like that, the fact is that I'm maturing, too, and so I can appreciate it. - A