© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
With every mistake, we must surely be learning,
Still my guitar gently weeps...
John is dead, George is dead... why is Paul- no, I can't say it. ;) Mr. Harrison truly had a beautiful soul, and both the man and his music will be missed.
He's probably better off, anyway. Obviously, the world is not learning from its mistakes... There's a painful irony in the fact that governments around the world are now raising the specter of terrorism to justify all kinds of ugly action. In the case of Nepal, it seems to be justified; the Maoists there initiated violence after a lengthy period of quiet. But Israel, the Philippines, Russia, India, and other nations keep referring to terrorist activity against them. In some cases, yes, it's accurate, but this is obviously an attempt to play on global anti-terrorist sympathies.
Are the suicide bombings in Israel terrorist actions? Yes. They are designed to terrorize and instill fear in the population. But the organizations perpetrating these attacks consider them justified, and while I don't agree, I do realize that there is an injustice being perpetrated upon the Palestinian people, and until that issue is resolved there will always be those willing to die and to take a large number of civilians with them. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority must do their utmost to reign these people in, at the risk of upsetting and angering their own people. But Sharon and the Knesset must accept the reality that Israel must finally end the occupation and allow the creation of a Palestinian state. Complying with the UN resolutions will force most nations to repudiate any links with or support for Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and other such organizations, and make them officially the outlaw organizations they are in reality.
But enough about happy people blowing up other happy people. ;) I've finally finished Tomb Raider II! Hmmm, well, OK, there was still a lot of shooting and blowing people up in that... but it wasn't real. Heh-heh... Now to move on to the first and third games. Yes, I played the second game first. Don't like it? Don't care.
So, 'Ginger' did in fact turn out to be a new mode of personal transportation. From the little I've seen thus far, I really like the idea behind the Segway. It'll be a while before it hits the market, or the streets, but it will be interesting to see how IT fares. Just might turn out to be my next set of wheels... ;)
Well, let's hope that getting to the end of the Tomb Raider game isn't
the best thing that happens to me this month. Or even this week. ;) Somehow, I'm
thinking it won't be...