© 2025
NO WordPress! Updated 2025-01-04
I could stay here, but could I truly fit in?
My weary heart and head are filled with strife.
The older one gets, the faster time seems to fly. Such has been my experience, anyway... Another year almost over, and a new one about to begin.
It was, on the whole, a good year, too. I managed to see several great shows, including Dave Barry and Stephen King performing with the Rock Bottom Remainders, guitar legend Les Paul and his Trio, old friend Mart Rivas and his new band, and my two favorite female singer/songwriters, Aimee Mann and Tori Amos. I had the good fortune to attend the Tori show in the company of a lovely redhead (no, not Tori herself ;) and McCall and I had an enjoyable day. I took a mini-vacation in Boston, one of my favorite cities so far. I watched the fireworks display on the Fourth of July laying on a blanket with three young women: woo-hoo! My computer setup expanded; while I still do most of my work (and play) on the iBook, I now also have three aging but still useful Power Macintoshes, a really aging Commodore 128 (hey, I'm nostalgic), a Wintel PC, for my masochistic side... and a Sun SPARCstation 5. That's right, Ozzy's finally going to get his paws on that Solaris workstation he's been dreaming about for years. I've got to prepare it, though. With my old Underground Giraffe collaborator, Steve, I resurrected Foogar as a Web site, though that seems to have disappeared, as has Steve. ? I had two of my recordings, "For Dana" and "Blond on Blonde," included on two separate compilations. Oh, yes, I got a promotion at work, to MIS manager. I moved in with one of my best friends, Barbara...
...and early next year, I'm moving out again, and moving in with another of my best friends, Jon. Yes, the nomad is shifting domiciles again. Heh-heh... Why? Well, I first suggested the idea of living together over three years ago, but Jon didn't feel that it was a good time for him to do so. When I moved out of Nutley this past August, he still wasn't quite prepared for an apartment. And now he is, and we both still feel that we'll make excellent roommates. Neither of us sleeps much, we like a lot of the same music, we're both artistic left-handers... and have I mentioned that we're the members of Not An Exit? That's right, we might actually be able to increase our recording rate above three songs per year!
So, Ozzy and I will be taking up residence in yet another location. But it won't be before March; I'm not going to move in frigid weather. Besides, we need to actually find an apartment first. And we have to get it right the first time, 'cos this one has to be my last move for a long, long time. At least until I turn 38... Poor Chloe. I'm sure she's going to be heartbroken about Ozzy leaving.
But enough about me. Wow, I'm glad I've never been forced to resign for referring to Dubya as a moron. I'd have been through several jobs by now.
OK, how 'bout we put Maskhadov in charge of the Israelis, Arafat in charge of the Russians, Putin in charge of the Palestinians, and Sharon in charge of the Chechens? Can't be any worse than what we've got now...
Wow, I'm not especially fond of beauty pageants, either, but I've never spilled blood over it. Yikes...
Hey, I finally had a chance to watch "Monk" on ABC, and I have to say I liked it. 'Course, not hearing that accent took a little getting used to... Last night's "Andy Richter Controls the Universe" was very funny, too.
OK, time to get to bed, and let my body work on fighting
back whatever it is that's making my throat all scratchy. Goodbye!